The best way to run Windows on Mac

The best way to run Windows on Mac: Why Parallels Desktop is a great CrossOver alternative

Can’t decide between Parallels Desktop vs. CrossOver, or just trying to find a good Crossover alternative for PC gaming on Mac?

Parallels Desktop allows you to install Windows (or Linux) as a virtual machine, seamlessly enabling you to play Windows-exclusive games on Mac, run full-featured Windows apps, and more. In contrast, CrossOver is a compatibility layer that enables you to run some (but not all) Windows apps or games, but not install Windows itself.

14-day fully functional free trial

Why choose Parallels Desktop as your virtualization solution?

Play Windows games on a Mac Yes, you can play some Windows games in a virtual environment
Access to Mac folders Yes
Copy-paste sync Yes
Game controller(s) support Yes
24/7 support/assistance Email
Pricing Starting at $74
Parallels Desktop
Download and install Windows 11 in one click Yes, for both Intel and M-series Macs
Authorized by Microsoft to run Windows 11 on a Mac with Apple siliconS Yes
Run multiple operating systems Yes
Full Windows experience Yes
Play Windows games on a Mac Yes, many Windows-exclusive games work on Mac with Parallels Desktop Pro
Run Windows apps for work Yes
Access to Mac folders Yes
Copy-paste sync Yes
Game controller(s) support Yes
24/7 support/assistance Phone, chat, email for subscription license purchases
Install guest OS drivers automatically Yes
Shared profile and applications Yes
Installation Assistant Yes
Out-of-the-box Retina display support Yes
50+ productivity tools to enhance your experience Yes, Parallels Toolbox comes with a subscription to Parallels Desktop for Mac
Pricing Subscriptions start at $99.99 annually for Standard, $119.99 for Pro

See why real-world users prefer Parallels Desktop to CrossOver

Many individual users, teams, businesses, and organizations prefer Parallels Desktop over CrossOver and you don’t have to take our word for it! Discover how real users benefit from using Parallels Desktop.

"Easy to install - always being updated and works with latest releases of Mac"

Managing Director (G2)

See review

"I'm using Parallels Desktop to have multiple operating systems all in one device. I can set the CPU, RAM, and hard disk according to how many sources I need. Also, this app is stable and supports almost all operating systems. It’s possible to sync files between the local device and the virtual machine."

System Specialist (G2)

See review

"Parallels Desktop has been a game-changer for me. Setting it up was a breeze, and even for someone like me who isn't the most tech-savvy, the whole process was surprisingly easy."

Software Engineer (G2)

See review

14-day fully functional free trial

Discover how Parallels Desktop is the right CrossOver alternative for your needs

A seamless experience

Run the full-featured version of Windows applications on your Mac, including the most popular Windows apps like Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Plus, PC-exclusive games

Effortlessly meet your professional and educational application needs with just one new piece of software — Parallels Desktop.

A seamless experience

Run your favorite PC games on a Mac

Play hundreds of Windows-exclusive games on Mac with Parallels Desktop, from first person to multiplayer games. Parallels Desktop transforms your Mac into a gaming machine.

Run your favorite PC games on a Mac

Enjoy your hardware of choice

Run all the apps you need for work, school, and entertainment, including full-featured Microsoft Office 365 applications, accounting software, trading software, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and more on your Mac.

Enjoy your hardware of choice

World-class technical support

Need assistance? Parallels Desktop subscribers get access to online customer support, detailed documentation, and an active community contributing to a rich knowledge base. Find answers to all your questions and become a Parallels Desktop power user.

World-class technical support

Get started with Parallels Desktop and maximize the potential of your Mac

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Parallels Desktop is the solution you need for many use cases...

Cross-platform development and testing

Cross-platform development and testing

Build, test, and QA your code in all necessary platforms seamlessly in a virtual environment. Developers and testers, switch between operating systems and browsers effortlessly, maintaining high performance, isolation, and security. Streamline the development process and reduce risk with Rollback mode, a Microsoft Visual Studio plug-in, and more.

Meet educational demands

Meet educational demands

Educators and students need cross-platform compatibility to learn. Meet academic requirements and access the essential tools for your studies or career, including the full-featured Windows version of Microsoft Office 365, Windows-based CAD tools, common statistics and accounting software, and more.

Compatible with Office 365 applications

Compatible with Office 365 applications

Experience a Windows OS environment on your Mac. Use a virtual machine to run the full-featured versions of the most used Office 365 applications, including Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

14-day fully functional free trial

Parallels Desktop vs. CrossOver FAQs

Is CrossOver not the solution you’ve been seeking? Choose the right Parallels Desktop version for your needs and enjoy a better CrossOver alternative

Standard Edition

Limited version for those that need to run Windows applications on base model Mac computers.

Supports future operating systems.


Current version only. Full compatibility with future versions not guaranteed.

Most popular

Pro Edition

Versatile, fully loaded version for developers, individual business users, and gamers seeking the best performance and productivity.

Supports future operating systems.
