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Just Released

Parallels Desktop for Mac

Run Windows on any Mac—Intel or Apple silicon—and experience seamless integration between operating systems. Learn more

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Trusted by over 7 million Mac users worldwide
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Parallels Desktop earned the
2024 Top Rated award

5 Starts 5/5

Parallels Desktop is the best choice for running multiple OSs on my Mac

I use Parallels Desktop to access Windows on my Mac. There are e-Learning and local government design applications that require the exclusive use of the Windows OS, and this has helped me to not need to have two computers but work on one machine with access to both operating systems. Additionally, on occasion some of my colleagues require support with their computers, and I can replicate the problems they have on the operating systems they are running in a user-friendly and very fast way.

Eduardo Ponce de León
5 Starts 5/5

Best application of virtual machines for MacOS.

5 Starts 5/5

Parallels Desktop solve numerous issues for MAC users.

5 Starts 5/5

If you need to run Windows Apps and are a Mac user, buy Parallels. It’s the best decision you can make.

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